Saturday, August 9, 2008

Surround Yourself with Supportive People

This may seem a little cold, but I actually "let go" of a few friends after I started my company. There's no question that my life changed. I threw myself into the most difficult intellectual and emotional challenge of my life, and I needed support. Many of my friends were supportive, some in a sort of curious way "You did WHAT? Why?" Some might have even been a bit jealous, knowing that I was pursuing my dream while they were pursuing a paycheck. But most are excited for me, and eagerly await updates from me.

But a few were not supportive. They couldn't have cared less what I was doing. Asked me no questions, showed no interest in discussing it. A few couldn't relate at all - they didn't know any entrepreneurs, didn't understand it. At one dinner with one of these friends, I was swept by a feeling of "WHY on earth am I sitting here with this person?" It made me realize that with the limited time I had, and the limited emotional capacity, I could no longer spend time with people who gave me nothing. Not support, nor interest, nor help. They merely took up my time.

So I stopped calling, stopped responding to emails, didn't send them a Christmas card. I needed to spend my limited free time with people who made me stronger. People who liked that I had decided to try something new. I am now surrounded by strength, which is the best thing any friend can give me.

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