Monday, October 13, 2008

Learning to Enjoy without Spending Money

There's no question that my social life has been curtailed as a result of my foray into entrepreneurship. I simply can't afford to do as much as I used to. But in some ways it has allowed me to meet new people, renew some old friendships, and improve some current ones.

When you can't take your family out for a nice dinner, sometimes it's just as fun to invite some friends over to the house. Maybe not for a big dinner, but coffee and dessert. I have found myself spending more evenings like this, just chatting with friends and neighbors, going for walks in the neighborhood, and in general hanging out with people without the added benefit of paid entertainment. I have enjoyed this, probably more than I expected.

Last weekend I went to a CD release party with a friend. There was no cover charge, and the band was so grateful for the large turnout they gave us a free CD. Check out the Jay Hoad Band and give a listen. Jay's from Australia but the music has a global sound. The point is I am probably open to more adventures now that I am watching my dollars than I was before, freely spending on concerts and plays that offered no personal interaction, only entertainment. Now my family and friends are my entertainment and it is very rewarding. Another side benefit of entrepreneurship!

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